Constantes y variables para Prestashop 1.7
Constantes y variables para Prestashop 1.7.- Si estamos deseando personalizar nuestra tienda es seguro que lleguemos a este tema de conocer que son las constantes para programas por ejemplo unas consultas SQL personalizada, conocer el prefijo de las tablas, la ruta de imágenes, etc.
Entonces debemos de conocer acerca de las contantes predefinidas que ofrece Prestashop y las variables Smarty para trabajar en los ficheros TPL.
¿Qué constante usar en sus controladores en Prestashop?
Esto depende del área que estemos programado, por ejemplo, si deseamos obtener la ruta de las imágenes de nuestros productos entonces debemos de usar: la constante «_PS_IMG_DIR_
¿Cuál usar _PS_ROOT_DIR_
en Prestashop?
Primero hay que saber qué resultado da tal constante, por ejemplo:
- La contante _PS_ROOT_DIR_.- Es para el lenguaje PHP y muestra la ruta absoluta:
- La constante __PS_BASE_URI__ .- Muestra la base absoluta de nuestra tienda y es relativa.
¿Cuál elegir en las plantillas Smarty {$urls.img_dir} o {$img_dir}?
- La primera
muestra la ruta de imagen personalizada, porque hace uso de la URL y puede ser por ejemplo las imágenes de nuestro tema. - La segunda {$img_dir} es la ruta absoluta de imágenes de nuestra tienda. «
¿Qué constante usar y qué variables están disponibles?
Son preguntas muy comunes en el mundo de la programación en Prestashop, mi recomendación es conocer todas las constantes y que representa, además de conocer las principales variables por defecto que posee Prestashop.
Además, recuerden que se puede crear variables Smarty personalizada.
En este artículo le brindaremos a través de una tabla las diferentes constantes y variables de PHP, Smarty JavaScript y Twig a su disposición y las presenta con ejemplos y contextos visuales.
Datos importantes acerca de las variables y constantes en Prestashop
La presente guía asume que usted tiene o gestiona:
- Una tienda similar a
- Está alojado en su servidor en
. - Tema: mi_tema
- Directorio de administración: admin-dev
- Idiomas: PHP, Smarty, JavaScript
- Tipos de conceptos:
- Ruta completa: ruta completa en su servidor (por ejemplo, /var/www/html/prestashop/
- Ruta relativa: ruta relativa desde el directorio de instalación de prestashop (por ejemplo, /classes)
- URL completa: URL completa, incluido el protocolo (
) (por ejemplo, - URL relativa: URL relativa del directorio de instalación de prestashop (por ejemplo,
) - Disponible en recepción
- Acceso a frontoffice
- Acceso a backoffice
Constantes y variables para Prestashop 1.7 [PHP, Smarty, JavaScript, Twig]
A continuación, utilice el buscador para encontrar sus constantes o variables:
Nombre | Leng. | Ejemplo | Tipo | Destino |
_PS_ROOT_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop | full path | front + back |
_PS_CORE_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop | full path | front + back |
_PS_ADMIN_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/admin-dev | full path | back |
basename(PS_ADMIN_DIR) | PHP | admin-dev | folder name | back |
__PS_BASE_URI__ | PHP | /prefix/ | relative url | |
_PS_MODE_DEV_ | PHP | true | bool | front + back |
_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ | PHP | true | bool | front + back |
_PS_THEME_URI_ | PHP | |||
_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_ | PHP | true | bool | front + back |
_PS_MODE_DEMO_ | PHP | true | bool | front + back |
_PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/themes/ | front + back | |
_PS_BO_ALL_THEMES_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/Backoffice/themes/ | front + back | |
_PS_CACHE_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/app/cache/dev/ | front + back | |
_PS_CONFIG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/config/ | front + back | |
_PS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/config/ | front + back | |
_PS_CLASS_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/classes/ | front + back | |
_PS_DOWNLOAD_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/download/ | front + back | |
_PS_MAIL_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/mails/ | front + back | |
_PS_MODULE_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/modules/ | front + back | |
_PS_OVERRIDE_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/override/ | front + back | |
_PS_PDF_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/pdf/ | front + back | |
_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/translations/ | front + back | |
_PS_UPLOAD_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/upload/ | front + back | |
_PS_CONTROLLER_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/controllers/ | front + back | |
_PS_ADMIN_CONTROLLER_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/controllers/admin/ | front + back | |
_PS_FRONT_CONTROLLER_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/controllers/front/ | front + back | |
_PS_TOOL_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/tools/ | front + back | |
_PS_GEOIP_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/app/Resources/geoip/ | front + back | |
_PS_GEOIP_CITY_FILE_ | PHP | GeoLite2-City.mmdb | front + back | |
_PS_VENDOR_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/vendor/ | front + back | |
_PS_PEAR_XML_PARSER_PATH_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/tools/pear_xml_parser/ | front + back | |
_PS_SWIFT_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/tools/swift/ | front + back | |
_PS_TAASC_PATH_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/tools/taasc/ | front + back | |
_PS_TCPDF_PATH_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/tools/tcpdf/ | front + back | |
_PS_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/ | front + back | |
_PS_CORE_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/ | front + back | |
_PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/c/ | front + back | |
_PS_COL_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/co/ | front + back | |
_PS_EMPLOYEE_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/e/ | front + back | |
_PS_GENDERS_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/genders/ | front + back | |
_PS_LANG_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/l/ | front + back | |
_PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/m/ | front + back | |
_PS_ORDER_STATE_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/os/ | front + back | |
_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/p/ | front + back | |
_PS_SHIP_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/s/ | front + back | |
_PS_STORE_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/st/ | front + back | |
_PS_SUPP_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/su/ | front + back | |
_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/img/tmp/ | front + back | |
_PS_CACHEFS_DIRECTORY_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/cache/cachefs/ | front + back | |
_PS_JQUERY_VERSION_ | PHP | 1.11.0 | front + back | |
_PS_CACHE_CA_CERT_FILE_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/app/cache/dev/cacert.pem | front + back | |
_PS_DEFAULT_THEME_NAME_ | PHP | classic | front + back | |
_PS_THEME_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/themes/my_theme/ | full path | front + back |
_PS_THEME_URI_ | PHP | /prefix/themes/my_theme/ | relative url | front + back |
_PS_PARENT_THEME_DIR_ | PHP | /var/www/html/prestashop/themes/classic/ | full path | front + back |
_PS_PARENT_THEME_URI_ | PHP | /prefix/themes/classic/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEMES_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/themes/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/themes/my_theme/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_IMG_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/themes/my_theme/assets/img/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_CSS_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/themes/my_theme/assets/css/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_JS_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/themes/my_theme/assets/js/ | relative url | front + back |
_PS_IMG_ | PHP | /prefix/img/ | relative url | front + back |
_PS_ADMIN_IMG_ | PHP | /prefix/img/admin/ | relative url | front + back |
_PS_TMP_IMG_ | PHP | /prefix/img/tmp/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_CAT_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/img/c/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_PROD_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/img/p/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_MANU_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/img/m/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_SUP_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/img/su/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_SHIP_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/img/s/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_STORE_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/img/st/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_LANG_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/img/l/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_COL_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/img/co/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_GENDERS_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/img/genders/ | relative url | front + back |
_PS_PROD_IMG_ | PHP | /prefix/img/p/ | relative url | front + back |
_PS_JS_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/js/ | relative url | front + back |
_PS_CSS_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/css/ | relative url | front + back |
_THEME_PROD_PIC_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/upload/ | relative url | front + back |
_MAIL_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/mails/ | relative url | front + back |
_MODULE_DIR_ | PHP | /prefix/modules/ | relative url | front + back |
\Context::getContext() |
PHP | Object of class Context | Object | front + back |
_DB_PREFIX_ | PHP | Your SQL table prefix | ||
{$baseAdminUrl} | Smarty | /prefix/admin-dev/ | relative url | back |
{$base_url} | Smarty | | full url | back |
{$context_mode} | Smarty | |||
{$logged_on_addons} | Smarty | |||
{$can_import} | Smarty | |||
{$table} | Smarty | customers | back | |
{$current} | Smarty | index.php?controller=AdminCustomer | back | |
{$token} | Smarty | Token used in the current URL | back | |
{$host_mode} | Smarty | |||
{$stock_management} | Smarty | |||
{$no_order_tip} | Smarty | |||
{$no_customer_tip} | Smarty | |||
{$no_customer_message_tip} | Smarty | |||
{$GA_ACCOUNT_ID} | Smarty | |||
{$displayBackOfficeHeader} | Smarty | |||
{$displayBackOfficeTop} | Smarty | |||
{$submit_form_ajax} | Smarty | |||
{$breadcrumbs2} | Smarty | |||
{$quick_access_current_link_name} | Smarty | |||
{$quick_access_current_link_icon} | Smarty | |||
{$navigationPipe} | Smarty | |||
{$img_base_path} | Smarty | /admin-dev/ | back | |
{$check_url_fopen} | Smarty | |||
{$check_openssl} | Smarty | |||
{$add_permission} | Smarty | |||
{$addons_register_link} | Smarty | |||
{$addons_forgot_password_link} | Smarty | |||
{$help_link} | Smarty | |||
{$maintenance_mode} | Smarty | |||
{$debug_mode} | Smarty | |||
{$lite_display} | Smarty | |||
{$url_post} | Smarty | index.php?controller=AdminCustomer&token={token} | back | |
{$show_page_header_toolbar} | Smarty | |||
{$page_header_toolbar_title} | Smarty | |||
{$title} | Smarty | |||
{$toolbar_btn} | Smarty | |||
{$page_header_toolbar_btn} | Smarty | |||
{$show_new_orders} | Smarty | |||
{$show_new_customers} | Smarty | |||
{$show_new_messages} | Smarty | |||
{$help_box} | Smarty | |||
{$round_mode} | Smarty | |||
{$brightness} | Smarty | |||
{$bo_width} | Smarty | |||
{$bo_color} | Smarty | |||
{$employee} | Smarty | Object of class Employee | Object | back |
{$search_type} | Smarty | |||
{$bo_query} | Smarty | |||
{$quick_access} | Smarty | |||
{$multi_shop} | Smarty | |||
{$shop_list} | Smarty | |||
{$current_shop_name} | Smarty | ‘My Shop’ | ||
{$shop} | Smarty | Object of class Shop | Object | back |
{$shop_group} | Smarty | Object of class ShopGroup | Object | back |
{$is_multishop} | Smarty | |||
{$multishop_context} | Smarty | |||
{$default_tab_link} | Smarty | |||
{$login_link} | Smarty | |||
{$collapse_menu} | Smarty | |||
{$img_dir} | Smarty | /prefix/img/ | back | |
{$iso} | Smarty | fr | back | |
{$class_name} | Smarty | AdminCustomerController | back | |
{$iso_user} | Smarty | fr | back | |
{$country_iso_code} | Smarty | FR | back | |
{$version} | Smarty | | back | |
{$lang_iso} | Smarty | fr | back | |
{$full_language_code} | Smarty | fr | back | |
{$full_cldr_language_code} | Smarty | fr-FR | back | |
{$link} | Smarty | Object of class Link | Object | back |
{$shop_name} | Smarty | |||
{$base_url} | Smarty | |||
{$current_parent_id} | Smarty | |||
{$tabs} | Smarty | |||
{$current_tab_level} | Smarty | |||
{$install_dir_exists} | Smarty | |||
{$pic_dir} | Smarty | |||
{$controller_name} | Smarty | AdminCustomer | back | |
{$current} | Smarty | index.php?controller=AdminCustomer | ||
{$currentIndex} | Smarty | index.php?controller=AdminCustomer | ||
{$bootstrap} | Smarty | |||
{$default_language} | Smarty | |||
{$display_addons_connection} | Smarty | |||
{$urls} | Smarty | |||
{$urls.base_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.current_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.shop_domain_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_ps_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_cat_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_lang_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_prod_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_manu_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_sup_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_ship_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_store_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_col_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.img_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.css_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.js_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pic_url} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.address} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.addresses} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.authentication} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.cart} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.category} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.cms} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.guest_tracking} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.history} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.identity} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.index} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.my_account} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.order_confirmation} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.order_detail} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.order_follow} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.order} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.order_return} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.order_slip} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.pagenotfound} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.password} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.pdf_invoice} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.pdf_order_return} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.pdf_order_slip} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.prices_drop} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.product} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.sitemap} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.stores} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.supplier} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.register} | Smarty | | full url | front |
{$urls.pages.order_login} | Smarty | | full url | front |
prestashop.cart | Javascript | products: [], totals:[], subtotal:[], products_count, summary_string | front | |
prestashop.configuration | Javascript | front | ||
prestashop.currency | Javascript | name:’euro’, iso_code:’EUR’, iso_code_num:’978″, sign:’€’ | front | |
currency | Javascript | name:’euro’, iso_code:’EUR’, format:’’, sign:’€’ | front | |
prestashop.customer | Javascript | lastname :'AAA' , firstname :'bbb' , email :’’, … |
front | |
prestashop.language | Javascript | name : ‘Français (French)’, iso_code : 'fr' , locale : ‘fr-FR’, language_code : 'fr' , is_rtl : '0' ,… |
front | | | Javascript | title :'' , canonical : null , meta : {} , page_name : 'index' , body_classes , … |
front | | | Javascript | name: '' , email: '' , registration_number: false , long: false , lat: false |
front | |
prestashop.urls | Javascript | base_url :'' , current_url :'' , shop_domain_url :'' , img_ps_url :'' , img_cat_url :’’, … |
front | |
baseAdminDir | Javascript | /prefix/admin-dev/ | back | |
baseDir | Javascript | /prefix/ | back | |
token | Javascript | token used in current URL &token={token} | back | |
token_admin_orders | Javascript | ??? | back | |
token_admin_customers | Javascript | ??? | back | |
token_admin_customer_threads | Javascript | ??? | back | |
_PS_VERSION_ | Javascript | ‘’ | back | |
help_class_name | Javascript | ‘AdminDashboard’ | back | |
default_currency | Twig | $ | ||
root_url | Twig | /prefix/ | ||
app | Twig | object of class AppVariable |
Conclusiones y recomendaciones
En este articulo hemos respondido algunas preguntas relacionadas a las variables y contantes en Prestashop. Además, hemos proporcionado una tabla con gran cantidad de constantes y definiciones que podemos conocer y usar.
Es importante conocer las constantes de este CMS para optimizar la programación para tener una interfaz dinámica y funcional.